Engholm Husky design lodge is situated next to Karasjok river,
6 km West Karasjok. Road 92, direction Kautokeino (Guovdageaidnu),
sign: “ENGHOLM HUSKY” on the road.

Map of Engholm Husky Lodge
GPS position to Engholm Husky: 69° 26' 55.0" N 25° 21' 33.0" E
Grid: UTM. Datum: WGS 84. 35 W 435774 7705257
Finnmark County is scarcely populated and has a rough climate, so travelling in Finnmark can be an adventure in itself. But still, your Arctic adventure in Karasjok is only a one-day journey away if you fly here, regardless of where you are travelling from in Europe. There are four airports in our region: Lakselv, Alta and Kirkenes in Norway and Ivalo in Finland.
If you have some extra days, the Norwegian Coastal Voyage to Hammerfest or Kirkenes is a relaxing, beautiful and highly recommended alternative to flying.
- Lakselv in Norway is the closest airport to Karasjok. You can get to Lakselv by SAS and Norwegian. For tickets, please visit www.flysas.com or www.norwegian.no.
- Bus, 1 hr, Lakselv airport - Karasjok. Bus timetable or call phone (+47) 77020410.
- Taxi, 1 hr, Lakselv airport - Karasjok. Price NOK 2.400 to 3.000, JP Busser (+47) 950 33 053 or Karasjok Taxi at karasjoktaxi@gmail.com or by phone (+47) 784 66 506.
- Alta in Norway can be reached by SAS and Norwegian Air Shuttle.
- Bus, 4 hr, Alta airport - Karasjok. Price approx.- NOK 550. Bus timetable (bus number 062 Alta to Olderfjort and number 063 Olderfjord to Karasjok) or call (+47) 77020410.
- Taxi, 2,5 hr, Alta airport - Karasjok. Price – NOK 5.600 to NOK 6.500. JP Busser (+47) 950 33 053 or Karasjok taxi (+47) 78466506 or email karasjoktaxi@gmail.com
- Ivalo in Finland by Finnair.com and norwegian Air Shutle (via Helsinki).
- Bus, 2,5 hr, daily from Ivalo bus terminal at 16.25 (7 km from the airport by taxi) Finnish time. Arrives Karasjok at 17:40 (Norwegian time). From Karasjok daily at 09:15 (Norwegian time) - Ivalo bus station 12.45 (Finnish time) (7km from airport by taxi) Price appox. EUR 30. Eskelisen Lapin Linjat or call +358-16-3422 160.
- Taxi, 2 hr, Ivalo airport - Karasjok. Price - about EUR 400 - 490. Taksi.kallioinen@gmail.com
00358 400 487 926 / 00358 400 973 824
- Hammerfest and Kirkenes with the Norwegian coastal voyage .This will give you an opportunity to see the beautiful North Norway coast in a comfortable and relaxing way. Telephone number to the "Hurtigruten": (+47) 810 30 000.
Bus from Hammerfest to Karasjok is about four hours. Timetable or call (+47) 77020410
From Karasjok to Engholm Husky Lodge
Our base at Engholm Husky Lodge is 6 kilometers west from Karasjok, along road 92. Transfer is available by taxi ring (+47) 78466506 (approx. NOK 300) or can be booked with us (NOK 300).
Rent a car
Some of our guests choose to rent a car when travelling in Finnmark.
AVIS has offices in Alta, Kirkenes, Lakselv and Ivalo.
"Rent a Wreck" has offices in Alta, Kirkenes and Lakselv.
Sixt has offices in Alta, Kirkenes, Lakselv and Ivalo.