Liv Engholm
Guide, entrepreneur and manager
Liv is an active and social person who loves to be out in the wilderness. She grew up with dog sledding and horse riding in a Sami village, Karasjok in Finnmark in the far North of Norway. Liv is an officer in the Norwegian army and she has good training in first aid and the art of leading groups in different situations and under various conditions. She has studied a wide range of subjects in University College, from entrepreneurship and education to predator biology and nature- and culture knowledge. She is one of the entrepreneurs of Turgleder and has experience from canoeing, packrafting, hiking and trekking, skiing and expeditions. Liv has a sense for the details in nature and loves to stop to take beautiful photos.
“Growing up in a family where dog sledding on the Finnmark plateau was, and still is, the livelihood, made mastering natures challenges and see its richness come naturally. The freedom it gives to be out enjoying nature’s sounds and colours and cooperating with nature is a gift. I very much enjoy the different seasons and the variations and opportunities they give. It is my greatest pleasure to make people able to experience the Norwegian and arctic nature and culture.”

Thomas S. Nilsen
Guide and entrepreneur
Thomas was on his first fishing trip before his one year birthday and he was 6 years old when he was on his first hunting trip. Thomas has always been fascinated by the outdoors and his whole life he have lived close to or in the forest and mountains. That was his playground, that was where he retreated to when he wanted to relax or be alone and there he spent much of his time with his friends throughout his years of growth. Later Thomas, as an officer in the Norwegian armed forces through more then 10 years, have gained substantial and varied experience in areas like planning, leading smaller or bigger groups and the handling of unexpected situations. He also has high competence and real life experience in survival in nature and advanced first aid. Over the last few years he has also obtained relevant formal competence by studying environment, culture and tourism related subjects in University College. Thomas is one of the entrepreneurs in Turgleder.
“I just love being outdoors. The fresh air, the pure water, the absence of noise and the freedom to live in the moment makes being out in nature the most meaningful thing I can do. When you are exposed to the environment over time and you only live in the moment, the big things in the modern society become small and the small things becomes big. Being on a trip and sharing all the big and small adventures with other people is to me the biggest of riches."

Kasper Jæger
Kasper is a big-city boy, born and raised in Copenhagen, Denmark, but he has always known that life for him would not be in the city. His inner compass has always pointed north! After completing his first education, as an industrial plumber, he went to Greenland for a summer job as a guide. Here among mountains, glaciers and icebergs, he found his true calling, working in the arctic nature, with people and animals. Since then, Kasper has worked all over Greenland and lived with the Inuits. From Greenland he went to Longyearbyen, Svalbard to study to become an "Arctic Nature Guide" at the University of Longyearbyen. After graduation he lived in the town on 78N for another 3 years. Returning to Scandinavia, he worked several years with dog sledding and leading ski expeditions in northern Norway, based in Karasjok.
Kasper is an easy going, practical and knowledgeable person. He has a deep love for nature and the arctic.
In 2019 he was rewarded with a Fellowship of the Royal Geographical Society for his work in arctic Canada and especially a record breaking sail ship expedition, that brought the biggest sail boat through the North West Passage. In 2020 he was also rewarded with a Norwegian Citizenship.
“Choosing to go north was the easiest choice in my life and I have never looked back. The arctic found its way into my heart and soul, with its vast and beautiful nature, its wildlife and the fantastic people who was born in this cold part of the planet. Some people (parents!) say that I’m a bit crazy for loving these cold and far away places, but the arctic has a strange way of making me feel more alive than the city. Especially in winter, it forces me to remember that even in our modern life, with iPads and electric cars, there are still places on the planet where we have to work with nature and not against it to make a living! I always hope that by bringing new people into the countryside, i can find new friends with whom I can share this feeling and my love for the arctic with.”

Ingvild Svarstad
After completing high school in Oslo, Ingvild left the city behind. She moved to Alta in Finnmark where she did two years at “Alta folkehøgskole”. There she found her passion in life: being in the nature. Two years with outdoor life turned out not to be enough and she went to Alaska to live half-a-year in a trapper cabin with a friend and six dogs.
Ingvild has a bachelor`s degree in Nature and Wildlife Management and a one-year study of Pedagogy. After years with studies (and a lot of time outdoors between lectures and exams), she went back to Alaska for another half-a-year to live the good life out in the wilderness. Ingvild has experience from longer canoeing adventures, hiking and trekking and longer skiing trips.
“In Finnmark I found more than I had ever dreamed of. An amazing nature, countless opportunities for hiking, trekking, canoeing, skiing, hunting, fishing and harvesting from nature. Having the opportunity to show people the fantastic (!!!) nature here up north, makes me feel real happiness.”